Macquarie University
Macquarie University is ranked in the top 2% of universities world-wide and has over 40,000 students and 3000 staff. The university is spread over 126 hectares with a large number of car parks distributed throughout the campus.
Holman Engineering designed and installed a parking guidance system to aid students and staff in efficiently finding available parking spaces. The system monitors vehicle movements to accurately calculate the available spaces and then displays these figures on signs that were installed in locations around the campus.
All data is collected by our TrafficNet server and is stored on a central database which can be accessed by a user friendly web-based UI. The system can easily integrate 3rd party parking payment apps.
Holman Engineering designed and installed a parking guidance system to aid students and staff in efficiently finding available parking spaces. The system monitors vehicle movements to accurately calculate the available spaces and then displays these figures on signs that were installed in locations around the campus.
All data is collected by our TrafficNet server and is stored on a central database which can be accessed by a user friendly web-based UI. The system can easily integrate 3rd party parking payment apps.
Car park capacity reports, like the one above, are easily generated by our web-based user interface